Why do I love sports? Because its simple sounds are my soundtrack

We miss sports so much so that we started asking ourselves this question: What was the moment or reason that we fell in love with sports in the first place? Now we're sharing the stories that answer that question. Our stories and yours.

The story below is from USA TODAY Sports reporter Eddie Timanus

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For most of you, I suspect your favorite sports memories replay in your mind for you like a photo or a film clip – a `spectacular catch, a majestic home run, a monster dunk that put at least two guys on posters.

Well, for me, sports have a soundtrack – the crack of the bat, balls bouncing on courts, the thwacking of pads – and oh yeah, the whistles. Always the whistles.

By the way, did you know that a basketball ref will usually use a double toot when calling a travel violation as opposed to a single chirp for a foul? I don’t know that they do it consciously, but it’s just something I’ve observed over the years. But I digress…

With those sounds, of course, there’s the commentary.

“A shot, AND A GOAL!”

“TOUCHDOWN, RED RAIDERS, with a second to go!”

"It’s gone! It’s 715! There’s a new home run champion of all time!”

I can’t point to a specific moment when I fell in love with sports. They were just always part of my very existence – my soundtrack, if you will.

I’m often asked if it’s true that blind people have more acute hearing than sighted folks. I think a better way of describing it is that we’re more in tune with our sense of hearing since that is our primary input. Since my dad worked in the radio business, I had early exposure to the art of the audio. Essentially, I grew up around ballfields and gyms, from high schools in western Kansas to small colleges around the Dakotas. Later, we had the good fortune to cover events at some larger venues over the course of my own career as a writer, with him still providing my soundtrack.

I don’t get to many actual events these days, but I still get to write about sports. Here’s hoping we get more to write about before too long.


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